
AVACEN Thermo-Therapy ™ & Microcirculation Boost
Whole-Body…Drug-Free, FDA-Cleared, Pain Relief!
This non-invasive FDA-approved treatment delivers oxygen and nutrients and removes toxins at the cell level giving the body what it needs to stay well.
temporary relief of pain
encourages better and deeper sleep
stimulates the immune system
cleanses the body by eliminating toxins
cleans, tones, and tightens the skin
improves microcirculation
reduces body aging
encourages improved nutrient absorption
increase digestion
How the Avacen works?
When the hand, enclosed in a special patented mitt, is placed inside the vacuum chamber, the microprocessor manages the application of negative pressure and heat to safely increase the temperature and volume of blood flowing through the high volume AVA’s. It is important to note that the application of heat without negative pressure is ineffective.
Infusing heat into the circulatory system reduces blood thickness (viscosity) and increases microcirculation. Thinner blood facilitates more efficient flow through the skeletal muscles on its route to the smaller vasodilated capillaries (microvascular circulation) which the body uses to radiate the excess ATM produced heat into the cooler ambient air.
Microcirculation Boost
An increase in microcirculation enhances oxygen delivery and nutrition to the skeletal muscles while carrying away toxins. The result… healthier, more relaxed muscles throughout the entire body.
*FDA- 510K Clearance -Indications for Use: The AVACEN is a heat therapy system indicated for the temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain and stiffness; the temporary relief of joint pain associated with arthritis, muscle spasms, minor strains and sprains; muscular relaxation; and the temporary increase of local circulation where applied.
STRAINS - Plantar Fascia Strain
PEER REVIEW - Fibromyalgia AVACEN Study

FDA-Cleared and CE Mark Approved OTC Non-Invasive Medical Device
Put your hand in this futuristic looking muscle relaxing machine, which is about the size of a bread box, for 15 minutes and some really great things may happen. Pain dissipates, that foggy shroud disappears and joints move more freely. For many; eyelids become heavy, stress fades and some people actually fall asleep.